Medical Arrangement to South Korea

Advantages of Seeking Healthcare in South Korea

South Korea stands out as a leading destination for medical treatments or healthcare for foreigners, boasting advanced technology and top-tier healthcare services. Renowned for its state-of-the-art medical facilities and expert subspecialist doctors, medical tourism to South Korea attracts patients from around the globe, including America, Russia, and the Middle East.

Superior Healthcare Treatment in South Korea for Foreigners

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South Korea is globally recognized as the premier destination for plastic surgery, encompassing aesthetic, reconstructive, and trauma procedures. The country’s high success rates are attributed to highly skilled sub-specialist surgeons. Discover more about Plastic Surgery in South Korea.

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South Korea excels in advanced organ transplantation, particularly living donor liver transplants, achieving remarkable success rates. Learn about the Estimated Costs of Treatment in South Korea.

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South Korea offers cutting-edge cancer treatments with the highest 5-year survival rates globally. This success is due to the expertise of subspecialist doctors and the superior quality of hospitals. . Explore the Estimated Costs of Cancer Treatment in South Korea.

No need to worry, KavaLink's Medical Assistance service from Kavacare is completely FREE and using our service will not increase your medical expenses.

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Prosedur berobat ke luar negeri
Prosedur berobat ke luar negeri

Recommended Hospitals in South Korea

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  • Located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, this hospital is the official evacuation hospital for the Korean White House.
  • It offers advanced treatments like proton therapy, gamma knife surgery, and robotic surgery.
  • Featured services include cardiology, cancer care, and organ transplantation.

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  • A top choice for international plastic surgery tourists
  • Banobagi was named the Seoul Medical Tourism Cooperation Institution in 2019
  • Featured services include plastic surgery.

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  • One of Korea’s finest hospitals, located in Seoul
  • Offering services in English, Chinese, and other languages.
  • This hospital have specialized hospital for pediatrics and cancer.
  • Specializes in cancer, genetic disorders, and organ transplantation.

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  • This extensive network of hospitals provides international patient services, including language translation.
  • Specializes in liver transplants and cancer surgery.

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  • Located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, this hospital offers specialized services for international patients, including dedicated administration and language translation.
  • Known for its 1:1 anesthetic procedures using the latest technology.

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  • A globally renowned clinic in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, serving clients from over 100 countries.
  • Accredited by KAHF three times in a row.
  • Specializes in facial, body, and anti-aging contouring.

How to Arrange Medical Tourism to South Korea for Foreigners


Pilih rumah sakit

Prosedur berobat ke luar negeri
Pilihlah rumah sakit dengan layanan unggulan rumah sakit yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan medis Anda. Estimasikan transportasi dan akomodasi


Pilih dokter

Prosedur berobat ke luar negeri
Tentukan dokter spesialis atau subspesialis yang ada di rumah sakit tersebut, dan kenali latar belakang profesional atau rekam jejaknya.


Konsultasi dengan dokter

Prosedur berobat ke luar negeri
Lakukanlah konsultasi online terlebih dahulu untuk dokter mengetahui kondisi Anda sebelum menentukan tanggal dan janji temu atau tindakan.


Siapkan Dokumen

Prosedur berobat ke luar negeri
Siapkan paspor yang masih berlaku minimal 6 bulan dan sertifkat vaksinasi COVID-19 dalam bahasa inggris.

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