Getting to Know Respite Care

Getting to Know Respite Care

  • Post category:General news

Respite care is a term for caregiver replacement. When tending to chronically sick people or those with disability, sometimes is hard to find time to rest. Respite care can be performed at home, centers, or locations offering overnight stay. 

The patients who can take benefits from the service are patients needed 24-hour assistance daily for all needs such as feeding, changing, bathing as in patients with cancer, brain damage, dementia, stroke, or blindness. Besides that, patients who can still function independently but still needs monitoring can be a good candidate for respite care. 

In this service, a nurse or an experienced staff provides care for bathing, feeding, changing, or taking medicine. Assistance is needed in daily activities, for safety reasons, and also for keeping company. 

For the choice of home respite care, a caregiver staff will come to the house according to the schedule. Respite care can also be given temporarily by friends or other family members, and not necessarily have to be a medical staff. 

Another option is to take the patient to the center for day activities, only during the period when the main caregiver needed, for example to work or exercise. 

In centers offering overnight stay, it is possible for the family to place the patient temporarily to the experienced staff who will take care of the patient during a period of time needed such as for vacation or work.

In Indonesia, Kavacare now is providing the solution for professional and trusted respite care for families. Contact us by Whatsapp on 0811 – 1446 – 777 for further information. 


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Dr. Eddy Wiria, PhD

Co-Founder & CEO Kavacare