2 Types of Medical Check Up Series for Women

2 Types of Medical Check Up Series for Women


A Medical Check-up (MCU) for women is a series of health checks or medical tests specifically designed to detect various health problems and diseases that women may experience.

By performing MCU regularly, you can identify potential health problems, obtain an early diagnosis, and take appropriate preventive measures. This article will discuss the importance of regular medical check-ups for women and the types of tests usually carried out in MCU.


Why Do Women Need Routine Medical Check-Ups?

Routine MCU is very important because of several reasons. Here are some reasons why women need to undergo MCU regularly:

  1. Early Detection of Disease

Routine MCU allows for early detection of various diseases and medical conditions that you may experience. Several diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and hormonal problems, can be discovered at an early stage through medical tests in the MCU. This early detection can increase the chance of healing and more effective treatment.

  1. Risk Prevention and Management

Through MCU, women can find out certain health risk factors they have. By knowing these risk factors, they can take appropriate preventive steps. For example, suppose they have a family history of heart disease. In that case, they can adopt a healthy lifestyle, maintain a good diet, and engage in regular physical activity to reduce their risk of developing heart disease.

  1. Reproductive Health

Regular MCU is essential to ensure women’s reproductive health. Tests such as Pap Smear can help detect cervical cancer at an early stage, while blood tests and ultrasound can help in the diagnosis of ovarian disease or endometriosis. This allows earlier treatment and improves fertility chances.

  1. Maintain Mental and Emotional Health

MCU is not only concerned with physical aspects but also with mental and emotional health. Some medical tests can help detect mental conditions such as depression or anxiety disorders. By knowing about this condition, women can seek appropriate treatment and support.


Types of Medical Check Ups for Women Aged 18-39 Years

The following are types of medical check-ups for women aged 18-39.

  1. Blood Pressure Check

Blood pressure should be checked at least once every 3-5 years if:

  • Blood pressure is within the normal range, namely systolic pressure (top number) less than 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure (bottom number) less than 80 mmHg).
  • You have no risk factors for high blood pressure.

However, you should check your blood pressure every year if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Systolic blood pressure above 120 to 129 mmHg or diastolic pressure 70 to 79 mmHg.
  • Suffer from diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, obesity, or certain other health conditions.
  • Having a first-degree relative with high blood pressure.
  • Black people, because black people found lower renin levels and greater sensitivity to vasopressin.
  • Experiencing high blood pressure during pregnancy.

If the top number is ≥130 mmHg or the bottom number is ≥80 mmHg, this is considered stage 1 hypertension.

  1. Breast Cancer Screening

You may be recommended a mammogram, MRI scan, or ultrasound if you have an increased risk of breast cancer, such as due to genetic factors. However, mammogram screening is not recommended for most women under 40. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best options for you.

  1. Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical cancer screening should begin at age 21. After undergoing the first test, the next:

GroupTest & Frequency
Age 21-29 years

Pap smear every 3 years.

*HPV testing is not recommended for this age group.

Age 30-65 years
  • Pap Smear every 3 years, or
  • HPV testing every 5 years, or
  • Both tests are every 5 years
Have been treated for pre-cancer (cervical dysplasia)Regular Pap smears for 20 years after treatment or until age 65
Have had a total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) and have never been diagnosed with cervical cancerThere is no need to undergo a Pap Smear


  1. Cholesterol examination

Cholesterol screening should begin at age 20 for women with known risk factors for coronary heart disease. This cholesterol screening must also be done repeatedly every 5 years if your cholesterol levels are normal.

The frequency of check-ups should be more frequent if:

  • There are lifestyle changes (including weight gain and diet).
  • Suffering from diabetes
  • Suffering from heart disease
  • There are kidney problems or certain other conditions.
  1. Diabetes examination

Women should undergo diabetes screening starting at the age of 35 years and repeat every three years if they do not have diabetes risk factors. Screening may be started earlier and repeated more often if you have risk factors for diabetes, such as:

  • Having a close family member with diabetes
  • Having obesity
  • Have high blood pressure, prediabetes, or a history of heart disease.

In addition, diabetes screening should be done if you plan to become pregnant.

  1. Dental Checkup

It is recommended to visit the dentist once or twice yearly for a dental check-up and cleaning. The dentist will evaluate whether you need more frequent visits.

  1. Eye Examination

If you have vision problems, have an eye exam every 2 years or more often if your doctor recommends it. In addition, if you have diabetes, you should have an eye examination that involves examining the retina (back of the eye) at least once a year.


Also Read: 6 Steps to Maintain Eye Health


Types of Medical Check Ups for Women Aged 40-64 Years

Meanwhile, medical check-ups for women aged 40 to 64 years include:

  1. Blood Pressure Check

You should check your blood pressure at least once a year. You may need to have your blood pressure checked more often if:

  • Suffer from diabetes, kidney problems, heart disease, obesity, or have certain health conditions
  • Have a family history of high blood pressure
  • Black people
  • The top number for your blood pressure is 120 to 129 mmHg, and the bottom is 70 to 79 mmHg.
  1. Breast Cancer Screening

Mammogram screening is recommended for women:

40-49 years oldEvery 1 to 2 yearsNot all experts agree about the benefits of mammograms when women are in their 40s. Talk to your healthcare provider about what is best for you.
50-75 years oldEvery 1 to 2 yearsDepending on the risk factors
Having a mother or sister who has breast cancer1 time a yearStart screening earlier than the age when your youngest family member was diagnosed


If you have other risk factors for breast cancer, you may be recommended an MRI scan for screening.

  1. Cervical Cancer Screening

Examinations for early detection of cervical cancer at the age of 40 and over are more or less the same, namely:

GroupTest & Frequency
Age 30-65 years
  • Pap Smear every 3 years, or
  • HPV testing every 5 years, or
  • Both tests are every 5 years
Previously treated for pre-cancer (cervical dysplasia)Regular Pap smears for 20 years after treatment or until age 65
Have had a total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) and have never been diagnosed with cervical cancerThere is no need to undergo a Pap Smear


  1. Cholesterol examination

Cholesterol screening should begin at:

Age 45 yearsHas no known risk factors for coronary heart disease
Age 40-45 yearsHave known risk factors for coronary heart disease
Every 5 yearsNormal cholesterol levels
More oftenThere are lifestyle changes, such as increasing weight and eating patterns
More oftenSuffering from diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or certain health conditions


  1. Colorectal Cancer Screening

If you are 45-75 years old, you need to be screened for colorectal cancer. Some of the screening tests available include:

Test TypeFrequency
Fecal occult blood (gFOBT) or fecal immunochemical test (FIT)Every year
sDNA-FIT stool testEvery 1 to 3 years
Flexible sigmoidoscopyEvery 5 years or every 10 years
CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy)Every 5 years
ColonoscopyEvery 10 years


  1. Dental Checkup

Visit your dentist once or twice yearly for a dental check-up and cleaning. The dentist will assess whether you need more frequent visits.

  1. Diabetes Checkup

All adult women who do not have risk factors for diabetes should undergo screening starting at age 35 and repeat every 3 years. You should be checked more often if you have risk factors for diabetes.


Also Read: Fasting for Diabetes Sufferers, Pay Attention to These 2 Things


  1. Eye Examination

he frequency of eye examinations that should be carried out in this age range is:

  • Ages 40 – 54 years: every 2 to 4 years
  • Ages 55 – 64 years: every 1 to 3 years

Your healthcare provider may recommend more frequent eye exams if you have vision problems or are at risk of glaucoma. In addition, you also need to have an eye exam involving retinal examination at least annually if you have diabetes.

  1. Infectious Disease Examination

    • Screening for hepatitis: All adult women aged 18 to 79 should be tested once for hepatitis C. Pregnant women should be tested during each pregnancy.
    • Screening for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): All women aged 15 to 65 years should be tested once for HIV. Regardless, depending on your lifestyle and medical history, you may also need to be checked for infections such as syphilis, chlamydia, and other diseases.

10. Lung Cancer Screening

You should undergo annual screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) or low-dose CT scan if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • Age between 50 to 80 years
  • Have a history of smoking at least 20 packs per year
  • Still smoking or quit smoking in the last 15 years

11. Osteoporosis examination

If you are under 65 and at high risk of osteoporosis, you should have a bone density examination (DEXA examination).

Risk factors include:

  • Long-term use of steroids.
  • Low body weight.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Have experienced a broken bone after the age of 50 years.
  • Family history of hip fracture or osteoporosis.


Hospital Recommendations for Medical Check Ups Abroad

Generally, a medical check-up is a medical procedure that can be done at any time. This procedure can also be carried out not only in domestic hospitals but also abroad. Medical check-ups abroad could be an idea for a holiday activity you can try with your loved ones.

The following is a list of hospitals abroad that are recommended for medical check-ups:

  1. Bangkok Pattaya Hospital , Thailand
  2. Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai , Thailand
  3. Phyathai 2 Hospital , Thailand
  4. Samsung Medical Center , South Korea
  5. Island Hospital Penang , Malaysia
  6. Loh Guan Lye Hospital , Malaysia
  7. Beacon Hospital , Malaysia
  8. Gleneagles Hospital Singapore
  9. Mount Elizabeth Hospital , Singapore

It is important to note that the type and scope of medical check-ups for women may vary depending on medical policies and practices in each country or institution. It’s best to consult a doctor for more details about the MCU that suits your needs and health.

The good news is, that you can contact KavaLink at 081-1144-6777 to get Medical Travel Facilitator services for MCU at home and abroad. Get complete and accurate information regarding women’s medical check-ups and assistance with comfortable travel preparations.


  1. Health screenings for women ages 18 to 39. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007462.htm . Accessed July 15, 2023.
  2. Health screenings for women ages 40 to 64. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007467.htm . Accessed July 15, 2023.


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Dr. Eddy Wiria, PhD

Co-Founder & CEO Kavacare